Omni 360 Baby Carrier: Star Dust
RRP $289.00
You wont know how joyous occasion going 'hands free' is until you have a baby. Of course we want them nestled into our bosom 24/7, snuggling that precious little gift from the universe, but sometimes you just have to get stuff done. Like feed the other kids breakfast! And walking them to school! And hanging out washing! And WORKING! The clever folk at ergobaby recognise this - and solved the problem with this super supportive, comfy, ergonomic baby carrier. This all-in-one, newborn ready Stardust Omni 360 has all the carry positions - with baby on front facing inwards and outwards, hip placement, and on the back. The Omni 360 also grows with you from week 1 to 36 months so you'll get serious mileage out of this transportation. And, the crossable shoulder straps create a personalised fit. Yes, you can have it all!
Bonus features: Ergonomic, forward facing option Adjustable from newborn to toddler Lumbar support for extra back comfort Includes detachable storage pouch 3.2-20 kgs Machine Washable Breastfeed in Carrier Available in a range of colours. Other styles available too.
You wont know how joyous occasion going 'hands free' is until you have a baby. Of course we want them nestled into our bosom 24/7, snuggling that precious little gift from the universe, but sometimes you just have to get stuff done. Like feed the other kids breakfast! And walking them to school! And hanging out washing! And WORKING! The clever folk at ergobaby recognise this - and solved the problem with this super supportive, comfy, ergonomic baby carrier. This all-in-one, newborn ready Stardust Omni 360 has all the carry positions - with baby on front facing inwards and outwards, hip placement, and on the back. The Omni 360 also grows with you from week 1 to 36 months so you'll get serious mileage out of this transportation. And, the crossable shoulder straps create a personalised fit. Yes, you can have it all!
Bonus features: Ergonomic, forward facing option Adjustable from newborn to toddler Lumbar support for extra back comfort Includes detachable storage pouch 3.2-20 kgs Machine Washable Breastfeed in Carrier Available in a range of colours. Other styles available too.