Dr Justin Coulson

Dr Justin Coulson Time out is NOT your only option

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No parent wants to be the baddie, so how do you discipline kids – rather than punish them – and teach them values and valuable lessons at the same time? 

Dr Coulson says setting limits with kids requires a lot more than simply telling them what to do and then punishing them or rewarding them based on whether or not they are obedient.

In this eBook, Dr Justin Coulson will help you discover creative solutions for working with your children to help them stay within the limits. He explores:

•Why punishments and rewards don’t work – and what to do instead

•How your children’s development impacts their ability to stick with the rules

•How getting our hearts attuned to theirs changes everything about discipline

After reading these pages you’ll have a handful of foundational principles and strategies that you will be able to apply immediately to change the way you set limits with your children.

Available as an Audiobook ($18.99) and an eBook ($9.99).
