Help! My Toddler Won't Share
Our child psychologist has this advice
By Ian Wallace
Child Psychologist / July 19 2016
Q. My two year old is an only child and has problems sharing toys with other kids, how can I teach him to be more charitable with other children at the park? He sometimes comes across as a bully!
A. Your awareness of your only child’s needs is admirable. Begin by role playing and practising sharing toys and taking turns at home. Don’t give in to tantrums or over demands for attention at home. Remove toys if he refuses to share. When you practise play at home, praise and reward him for sharing and taking turns, also reinforcing it’s fun for everyone. Just before going to the park, role play again, then encourage him to share once he gets to the park. Again, he will need lots of encouragement and recognition, as he is trying to learn a somewhat new behaviour.